We saw big and small camels, white camels, camels with attitudes, camels pooping, camels slipping on ice, camels weeping, you name it, we saw it.
The camels and their owners came from far and wide. Most came from the south, from the Gobi Desert where camels are more common. The polo teams represented their respective regions.
Camels in Mongolia are bactrian camels (the two-hump kind). They're hairy things and the size of some of them was impressive. I did the tourist thing and did sit on one for a little bit. They're quite comfortable...
Aaron and I added one more to our list of weird food experiences: fermented camel's milk. Description: very creamy with a slight tang. People at the festival were lining up in droves for the stuff.
le chameau est magnifique sourtout avec une belle fille dessus c`est encore mieux.J`etait sure qu`il y aurait something to do avec le manger ou quelque chose a boire ,je suis heureuse que c`etait juste du lait(disgusting pour moi...)mais le chameau a eu plus de chance que Billy thanks God.Bonne journee a vous deux x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0MAMAN LISE
My name is Robin. i just recently lost my camel, Clyde the "Famous "Camel. We did alot of charity work films, birthday parties, went to schools, hospitals, parks, malls restaurants and more.... Sadly, I am looking for another camel to love. A Drmadery, hopefully Female. I spent $8,000.00 to save Clyde. The vets made a mistake and his autopsy showed it. I don't have the funds because of this and am looking for a female that maybe is too much for someome to handle or ???? That just wants a GREAT HOME. I live in california.
Thank you, Robin Orefice (661)268-8889
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