Yesterday I was told that I have "acute tonsillitis". I guess that means I don't need my tonsils out, but I need to take some medication and rest. For those of you not familiar with tonsillitis, it is the inflammation of the tonsils in the back of your throat. Sore throat + fever + 2 nights of no sleep = grumpy Aaron. I decided to visit the UN doctor yesterday. She said I needed to start antibiotics right away - she thinks it's a bacterial infection. I'm not sure how she figured that out without a swab, but hey, they do medicine differently here. I've been popping some pills for a day and I feel better. Hopefully I'll have the bacteria/virus beat in the next couple of days. The pic is of my throat with some of the pussy infection highlighted for your viewing pleasure.
That's pretty gross man. Keep it to yourself eh!
Unngngnh, uuuuggngngng, uughgh-ghgh!
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