Saturday, September 23, 2006

Half and Full Good Day

Mongolians are unpoetic about days and months. They simply number them: 1 to 7 and 1 to 12. This means Monday is Day 1 and, sorry I lied, Saturday and Sunday aren't numbered. Saturday is “Half Good” Day and Sunday is “Full Good” Day. Saturday is only half good because in the past, Mongolians used to work half the day on Saturdays.

The numbered days are used in everyday conversation but for official business, they use names derived from Tibetan. That means I have had to learn two sets of weekdays!



Anonymous said...

Enjoying your posts and pictures you two. Congratulations on Graduation. Sounds like the food part has worked out and you are enjoying. Did Aaron bring the bed home? Lots of love, Mom and Dad Linda and Michael

AA said...

Unfortunately the bed did not make it back to our place. The sleepless night lastnight was a reminder of that.